Friday 4 November 2011

Review of filming process

The filming was fairly easy as our plot was simple and the shot locations were close to each other which allowed us to quickly get to these locations and save time.
Sometimes the background noise was difficult to control, for example, people talking in the background, planes flying overhead and the wind. Since we filmed on different days, the actors had a slight change in clothes. We overcame this hurdle by mentioning this in the film itself for humorous effect.
Apart from this our, we managed to complete our filming process in a short space of time, which gave us more time to edit.
Our film compared with our storyboard and script was not exactly accurate as there were some shots in the film which were not included in our initial ideas. There were some scenes which were changed and some scenes which were added to lengthen the opening sequence and to add more to the plot.
We carefully chose our time of shooting, knowing that one of the locations (Refectory) is shut at a certain time. We wanted this location to be as less populated as possible, and we started shooting at the correct time.
At one point, a group was already shooting at one of our shooting locations and that caused a reduction in our filming time.

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