Monday 7 November 2011

Analysis of Final Opening Sequence

Use of Genre Conventions

To bring out the comedic side of the sequence, we used cartoon sounds to allow the audience to understand the genre. The soundtrack for the running scene helped to reinforce this. And as this was combined with fantasy, we took ideas of teleportation to show the wondrous element of the film.

Quality of Filming and Editing

We limited our camera use because they were mostly hand-held, although we, at some points, used the tripod. When it came to editing, we had access to a professional software to investigate approapriate sound effects. Fade in/out transitions helped with setting up the fantasy genre. For example, when the people step through the archway. Sounds of teleportation noises were also used.

Music and Image

Our choice of music mosty consited of gentle and calm acoustic instruments, and it works well with the background to give it that nice image of a sunny day outside. At the running scene, the music was set at a moderately fast pace to emphasise their (Harrison's) hurry.

Mise en Scene Choises

We used everyday clothes to show everyday life at a college, and a bottle of water was initially used to encourage children to drink water as a healthy option. Craig has a change of clothes halfway through the film, but this was to add humorous effect. For example, when Harrison runs to the teleporter and Craig walks in with his new change of clothes. Harrison's headphones were also used to show his personality, such as his love for music.

Is it an effective opening sequence?

We think that we were successful in making this film, mainly because we work very well as a team and our combined ideas improved upon our ideas that we had from the start. Although it wasn't accurate with the script and storyboard, we feel like we hugely improved upon those areas.

Final cut s1 36 childrens film

Friday 4 November 2011

What we have left to do on the Opening Sequence

We have completed the filming process and the editing along with the soundtrack. But we have yet to add in the credits for both: people's roles and title credits.

Discussion of editing choices

To separate the scenes, we used fade in/out transitions to allow a more fluent feel to the film. In this case, we used Continuity editing. We also achieved this by fading in/out the non-diegetic soundtrack to mark key moments and leave space for dialogue.
The non-diegetic soundtrack we created is very descriptive in terms of situation. For example, when the actors were running/walking, the style of the music reflected the situation of hurrying to the teleporter. And there were some parts which were calm and played a slow and quiet tune to reflect the calmness. There were also some diegetic sounds of cartoon noises, such as when Harrison trips up. The comic noises of bouncing gives a humorous effect.
Sometimes, the background noise was hard to control, and the best way we could improve it, was to lower the volume on any scenes that contained unwanted background noises (overhead planes, wind, people talking etc).

Review of filming process

The filming was fairly easy as our plot was simple and the shot locations were close to each other which allowed us to quickly get to these locations and save time.
Sometimes the background noise was difficult to control, for example, people talking in the background, planes flying overhead and the wind. Since we filmed on different days, the actors had a slight change in clothes. We overcame this hurdle by mentioning this in the film itself for humorous effect.
Apart from this our, we managed to complete our filming process in a short space of time, which gave us more time to edit.
Our film compared with our storyboard and script was not exactly accurate as there were some shots in the film which were not included in our initial ideas. There were some scenes which were changed and some scenes which were added to lengthen the opening sequence and to add more to the plot.
We carefully chose our time of shooting, knowing that one of the locations (Refectory) is shut at a certain time. We wanted this location to be as less populated as possible, and we started shooting at the correct time.
At one point, a group was already shooting at one of our shooting locations and that caused a reduction in our filming time.
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